International Archaeology Day - Saturday, October 20, 2018

Visit the Penn Museum to help celebrate 
International Archaeology Day! 

Saturday, Oct. 20, 11 am – 4 pm

We’re celebrating International Archaeology Day with activities for aspiring explorers of all ages. Join Museum archaeologists, conservators, curators, and collections staff for a behind-the-scenes look into our excavation sites and current research at this special day, co-sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America Philadelphia Chapter. Come and meet experts working in North America, Egypt, the Near East, and right here in Philadelphia. Dr. George Leader, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, offers the day’s keynote lecture, speaking about the 2017 excavations which uncovered early African American burials at the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia's cemetery, located on Arch Street.

Free with Museum admission.

See the Penn Museum website for further details.